This week sees the return of the Gauntlet, our very own 10k lung buster which for some strange reason only known to Dan Lawson and Neil Cummings starts at a shit bin?
As usual, we offer both the full version and a lite version.
For the full version while Run Leaders will be present, this is a time trial so they will only stop in an emergency.
The lite version will be lead by Derek Trueman and is approximately 4 miles, not 6 and will be ran as a group rather than a race.
Additionally to this, Chris Clark and George Harden will be leading a group for our new C25K members and any other members who feel the Gauntlet will be too much at present.
This session will be held in Prinny Anne Park and will be an introduction to the sort of training you can expect on a Thursday.
As always please meet at Biddick Academy for 7pm start and if using the school car park please remember your £1.