Washington Running Club Code of Conduct

Code Of Conduct (over 18 years)

As a responsible athlete, I will:

abide by the UKA and the HCAF Child Safeguarding Policy and Child Safeguarding Procedures (https://www.englandathletics.org/resources/view/uk-athletics-hcaf-child-safeguarding-policy/?from=1)

abide by the UKA and the HCAF Adult Safeguarding Policy and Adult Safeguarding Procedures


respect the rights of every athlete, coach, technical official and others involved in athletics and treat everyone equitably

uphold the same sporting values away from sport as I do when I am engaged in athletics

participate within the rules of the sport, respect decisions of coaches and officials, and demonstrate respect towards fellow athletes

cooperate fully with others involved in the sport such as coaches, technical officials, team managers, doctors, physiotherapists, sport scientists and representatives of the governing body in my best interests and those of other athletes

consistently promote positive aspects of the sport and never condone rule violations or the use of prohibited substances

anticipate and be responsible for my own needs, including being organised, having the appropriate equipment and being on time

act with dignity and display courtesy and good manners towards others

in no way undermine, put down or belittle other athletes, coaches or practitioners ï avoid swearing and abusive language

never engage in any inappropriate or illegal behaviour

challenge and report inappropriate behaviour and language by others

not misuse or abuse sporting equipment and venues

not carry or consume alcohol or illegal substances while training or competing in athletics

maintain strict boundaries between friendship and intimacy with a coach or official

use safe transport or travel arrangements, and park cars considerately

not use my mobile phone or headphones (including earbuds) during training, competitions or in changing rooms

act ethically, professionally and with integrity, and take responsibility for your actions

ensure I am fit to engage in club runs. BREACH OF THE CODE OF CONDUCT I understand that if I do not follow the code, action can be taken by my club and

I may:

• be asked to apologise for my behaviour

• receive a verbal warning from my coach

• receive a verbal or written warning from the club committee

• be suspended from attending club training sessions

• be suspended from the club

• be required to leave the club.

Washington Running Club Code of Conduct

(Young people & Children)

As a child or young person under 18 years, I have the right to:

• be safe and protected

• be listened to • be respected and treated fairly

• be believed

• ask for help

• be coached by someone who has the right qualifications. As a young athlete, I will respect the code of conduct and I will:

• always run with, and under the instruction of, my parent/carer

• be friendly and supportive to other athletes

• keep myself safe

• tell my coach if I am ill or injured

• report inappropriate behaviour or risky situations to an adult

• compete fairly and respect other athletes and officials

• respect the rules of my club

• behave and listen to all instructions from my coach and officials

• take care of equipment owned or provided by the club or training facility

• not use bad language or take part in inappropriate or illegal behaviour

• not bully anyone or pressure them to do things they do not want to, including online

• in no way undermine, put down or belittle other athletes, coaches or practitioners

• keep to agreed timings for all club activities

• tell my parents/carers where I am or if I’m going to be late

• not use my mobile phone or headphones (including earbuds) during training, competitions or in changing rooms

• not carry or consume alcohol or illegal substances while training or competing in athletics

• use safe transport or travel arrangements.

BREACH OF THE CODE OF CONDUCT I understand that if I do not follow the code, action can be taken by my club and I may:

• be asked to apologise for my behaviour

• receive a verbal warning from my coach

• receive a verbal or written warning from the club committee

• be suspended from attending club training sessions

• be suspended or required to leave the club. Additionally, my club will always tell my parents/carers if I breach the code of conduct.

Washington Running Club

21a Lowthian Terrace, Columbia, Washington.

(t) 07944 490 336
(f) 07969 223 900

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